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  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> I'm making more and more stocks these days and am in the market for a
> Chinoise. The inexpensive ones appear to be made of inferior

> steel and i suspect they'll corrode in their nooks and crannies which
> are hard to clean and dry. I'd rather not fork out $70 for a Rosle

> though. Any suggestions would be welcome.
> I've seen kinds with large holes, medium holes, and several with fine
> mesh. I'm guessing the mesh ones are a pain to clean, so i thought

> just get a medium holed one and strain through a cheesecloth when i
> need smaller holes. Sound like a good plan?

If you plan to make stock fairly frequently I'd suggest investing in a
good Chinoise. It'll last a long time. The fine mesh does a better
job, of course, straining liquids and in my experience isn't difficult
to clean. (I'm an advocate of soaking utensils if they're a little

Several layers of cheesecloth in a strainer or colander will strain
most stocks quite well but you won't be able to smoosh the contents to
extract the last molecule of flavor.
