On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 21:43:45 -0600, "Piedmont" >
>Chef Juke wrote:
>> -Chef Juke
>> "EVERYbody Eats When They Come To MY House!"
>Welcome back CJ! Hopes the trip was uneventful and a good was had for all!
>Regards, Mike Willsey
Hey Mike,
It was a great trip, although way too short (as always). Didn't get a
chance to hop down to visit Big Jim, but got to show my wife and
daughters the area where my Dad grew up and we even treked back into
the woods with my cousin and found the location of my great grandma's
homestead where my Dad was raised.
It's just a mound of bricks now from where the hearth used to be, but
considering the house was built around 1878 and was last lived in
around 1940 it was still great to find it (would not have come close
to being able to find it without my cousin Al who is of the last
generation in our family to remember when the house was still
standing). Al also pointed out that there were now wild grapes
growing where my great grandma's arbor had been. We brought back a
brick as a keepsake
A memorable trip indeed.
-Chef Juke
"EVERYbody Eats When They Come To MY House!"