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Kevin S. Wilson
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On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 06:55:14 -0800, Chef Juke >

>It was a great trip, although way too short (as always). Didn't get a
>chance to hop down to visit Big Jim, but got to show my wife and
>daughters the area where my Dad grew up and we even treked back into
>the woods with my cousin and found the location of my great grandma's
>homestead where my Dad was raised.
>It's just a mound of bricks now from where the hearth used to be, but
>considering the house was built around 1878 and was last lived in
>around 1940 it was still great to find it (would not have come close
>to being able to find it without my cousin Al who is of the last
>generation in our family to remember when the house was still
>standing). Al also pointed out that there were now wild grapes
>growing where my great grandma's arbor had been. We brought back a
>brick as a keepsake

Do you know about geocaching, Chef? The search for the homestead
sounds like a good geocaching trip.