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Default season wooden chopping boards

In, Bob Pastorio > wrote:

> Not looking for a hassle here, but I still don't get it. If HD has a
> piece of wood that's not cracked and doesn't have knots, bullet holes
> or teethmarks in it, what's the difference?

There are lots of different varieties of trees. Think about apples. And
different varieties are grown in different climates. As a natural
product, wood varies.

> Sometimes the neighborhood supermarket is good enough for the task at
> hand, no? I want a choice-grade chuck for a pot roast; Kroger will do.
> I want a rib section to entertain my mother, several ex-presidents and
> the Queen of the May; the uptown butcher.

> Make sense?

I think that's HIS point...

....I'm an air-conditioned gypsy...

- The Who