"kodi" > wrote in message
> Well, I'm not much of a cook, and I've just bought a new cook book.
> There are a couple of terms I'm not at all familiar with.
> Many of the recipes call for 'scant' 1/2 cup . What does this mean? I'm
> thinking it must mean just under 1/2 cup. Is this right?
See # 2 A
Main Entry: 1scant
Pronunciation: 'skant
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse skamt, neuter of skammr short
1 dialect a : excessively frugal b : not prodigal : CHARY
2 a : barely or scarcely sufficient; especially : not quite coming up to a
stated measure b : lacking in amplitude or quantity
3 : having a small or insufficient supply <he's fat, and scant of breath --
synonym see MEAGER
- scant·ly adverb
- scant·ness noun
> Also, when talking about potatoes, it says to use 'mealy' potatoes. How
> on earth do I know which potatoes are mealy? And does it really matter?
Much more than you want to know but a starchy potato like a russett (non
Waxy Flesh)