I've never seen a recipe using Giant Squid on FoodTV. A search on the web
site reveals only one reference to Giant Squid.....Michael Chiarello
empahsizing NOT to use Giant Squid instead of Calamari. I assume because it
is tougher. Please don't invite me to dinner :-)
Good Luck Again,
Doug from Massachusetts
> In article >,
> "Doug Ventura" > wrote:
> > Katra,
> >
> > Here's what you need to do:
> >
> > Step 1: Learn to spell it correctly.....Calamari
> Ok...
> It was late.
> > Step 2: Go to www.foodtv.com and type in calamari in the recipe search
> > window.
> Do they have recipes for _giant_ squids???
> >
> > Generally speaking....go with Emeril or Sara for more mainstream
> > recipes......Tyler or Mario for more exotic recipes.
> >
> > Make sure you learn how to clean and cut the squid. Again....foodtv can
> > advise or, alternatively, search for instructions on Google.
> hehehheh!
> I did a post on how to clean squid when somebody asked me a few weeks
> ago when I got some large squids from the oriental market. Each one was
> over 12" long. I grew up cleaning squid with my mom and I do know how to
> cook the smaller ones! I've promised to re-post intstructions with
> pictures next time I do them. I have that saved to the desktop to remind
> me next time the oriental market has them available.
> I was just curious what one would do with a 1/2" thick squid steak! <G>
> I'd probably slice it thin and either use it in sea food stir fry,
> seafood chowder or bread it in spiced corn meal and flour and deep fry
> it.
> But thanks!!! ;-)
> >
> > Good Luck,
> >
> > Doug from Massachusetts
> >
> >
> --
> K.
> Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
> There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train
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