Faye wrote:
> Thanks, I think after reading this I should just make part of the recipe and
> refrigerate until used up. That would be the only safe thing to do it seems.
> Faye
>>The FAQ is at http://www.gbronline.com/jacke/rfpfaq/rfpFAQ.htm and the
>>section I mentioned is in Part 9, Section V, subsection A.2. Jump to
>>the TOC, Part 9 then browse to the referenced section, click on it and
>>it will take you to the appropriate place in the FAQ. There are 5
>>recipes given, 3 that are bad but fixable, one that is bad and
>>unfixable and one good one. The FAQ goes through how to evealute each
>>one for safety and how to 'fix' the fixable ones. A quick look at that
>>section implies to me (I didn't go through the whole process) that the
>>recipe you gave is NOT safe - too low in acid.
>>Good luck.
That's not a bad idea, but if you have a pressure canner you can process
it in that for about 20 minutes at 10 or 11 pounds and it will be
perfectly safe.