In article .com>,
"karen" > wrote:
> I wanted to follow up on Jill's thread but am still not used to google
> and can't find it.
> Every year we go to a party at Star and Julio's place. Star is a harp
> teacher and performer and often has a bagpiper playing outside the
> house.
> Last year I brought that Knorr spinach dip in a bread bowl. Nothing of
> it was left. My husband could eat it all in one sitting.
> I had an open house last fall and it seemed that Star could hardly eat
> anything I had there. No wheat, no dairy, no meat. I could only point
> her over to the tortilla chips and salsa. I had stuffed mushrooms,
> cold cuts with those little rye breads, assorted cheeses and mini pecan
> and pumpkin pies.
> My husband wants me to make that Knorr dip again. I don't know. The
> only thing I can come up with is hummus and raw vegetables. Star
> sometimes cooks corned beef and cabbage, as Julio likes it.
> Any big ideas here? TIA
My niece can't do dairy either. I make the spinach dip with tofutti
"sour cream" my sister makes it with IMO non-dairy sour cream. Either
way my niece can eat it with no ill effects. You could have vegetables
for dipping instead of the bread.
Saffola margarine doesn't have dairy in it so we use that as a
substitute for butter. Doesn't taste quite as good as the real thing,
but it beats rushing a kid in anaphalaytic shock to the hospital. But,
it might work in your stuffed mushrooms instead of the butter. My m-i-l
sautes chopped onions, celery and herbs in butter; stuffs it into the
mushrooms and broils them. They're quite tasty and fit the no meat,
dairy or wheat bill.
Tortilla chips will work with hummus as well as salsa.
Can he do seafood? Little shrimp skewers or something perhaps.
We went to a party with mashed potatoes as the hors d'oeuvres. Martini
glasses of mashed potatoes with different toppings. They were rather
maybe a vegan or allergy related web site can give you pointers to some