In article >,
Bubbabob > wrote:
>The anesthetic that causes the worst problem in old people is Versed
>(Midazolam HCl). It often results in permanent senility or dementia.
>Surgeons love it and use it for damned near every operation because it will
>make you completely forget that you woke up screaming in agony in the
>middle of your surgery. Tends to keep the malpractice suits down.
I don't know about any bad side effects (maybe I forgot) but
they gave me this stuff when I had my kidney and associated
tumor removed.
It is a very effective memory-wiper.
It was the weirdest thing. I was waiting in pre-op for them to
take me to surgery, and then *blink*, just like that, the lights
changed, I was in a different room (post-op) with various tubes
attached and minus a kidney. No memories at all of being
wheeled down the hall, talking to my wife, etc.
Mad Science means never having to say | Mike Van Pelt
"What's the worst thing that could happen?" | mvp at
-- Kevyn, | KE6BVH