Thread: granulated tea
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curly mustache
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Default granulated tea

I have discovered two store teas, that seem to be ground. I saw a tea
on alink from this group that had a expensive granulated tea.( I frogot

the ones I have ,infuse quickly. have great color. Their taste is far
better than their cost would indicate.

the Tai Mahal tea also comes in bags, so thats why its ground. It
tastes better than $2.50 for 8oz.

the Akili african tea. is groun really small and is light brown. The
bag states afican blak tea. I thought it might be rooibs, but its not.
This is worth $4 FOR 1.76 OZ.

I guess grinding tea makes it infuse beter and be stronger.

does anyone else drink granuladed tea.?

found any good ones?
