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Default Krispy Kreme: Is it me?

"Frogleg" wrote:
> >Pennyaline wrote:
> >> They crowd restaurants and museums. They crowd trendy department and

> >> stores. They crowd the sidewalks. They crowd into the Theater District,

> >> venues on- and off-. They go to movies. Their tour buses prowl the

> >> They are perfect strangers who ask us for directions and, not

> >> ask to have their pictures taken. They crowd the Park and mass around
> >> fountain and statuary like human pigeons. They take the subway. They
> >> communicate with language and gestures and customs the natives don't
> >> understand and may not cotton to. They're underfoot. They spend

> Geez! Why don't all tourists just drop dead, huh? Or stay at home
> where they can sneer at *their* tourists. Tourism is a major, if not
> the main, source of income for a good many cities, towns, and....

> Lighten up!

What are you talking about?? My post was a response to someone else's post
about the inconvenience of having American tourists around, and that tourism
is a fact of life and that cosmopolitan types need to accept that.

Lighten up yourself, and don't let your kneejerkisms impair your