Victor Sack wrote:
> I missed you, too! Whatcha been up to? Did you get married yet, or
> Matt still hiking out there?
Naw, he came back. Cumulatively, he's hiked from Georgia to Vermont!
Probably just needs a few more months to eventually finish, but it'll
be a little trickier to get that kind of time off these days.
Yes, we got married in October.

Honeymooned in San Francisco for a
week and a half. We got thrown out of our first hotel - they called
after a few days and said they'd been bought out, the new management
was closing the hotel, and if we needed a few numbers to try and
arrange new lodgings, they might be able to help out. Ha! The rest of
the honeymoon was great - ate some fabulous meals, the weather was
great, saw lots of neat stuff.
What about you? You married yet?
> Get MacSOUP instead - there is a MacOS X version now. The current
> is 2.7. See <>.
I'll check it out. Matt also offerred to set me up with some variant
of rn (slrn?).