Thread: I'm back!
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Dieter Zakas > wrote:
> - it HAS NO STOVE! How am I
>to cook? "Meet Mr. Microwave," folks...

Welcome back. A few years after we were married we moved to another
state for a job appointment and had 3 days to find a place. It was
rental, and we had problems getting the lord to let us replace the
stove (a bizzare tale in it's own right) - anyway, the short of it is
that we lived for almost 2 years with one working burner (oven was
broken), a toaster oven and one of those new-fangled microwaves (about
$500 back then IIRC.) We did just fine. We also lived with a lot of
mice, but that's too disgusting to get into. So I would think a
hotplate, toaster oven and microwave will see you through. Sheldon
has some good info on an induction "burner" that he passed on to me -
if you don't mind parting with some significant cash, it's a good