I'll be making biscotti soon- these sound good. I'll give them a try.
Lime... hmmm.
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 11:04:37 -0700, Baldin Pramer
> wrote:
>I have tweaked my biscotti recipe, and I think it is ready for external
>Preheat oven to 375 (400 for 4000 feet and above)
>Mix together
>2 1/2 cups flour
>1 cup brown sugar
>3 eggs
>3 Tbsp butter
>3 tsp vanilla extract
>1/8 tsp salt
>3/8 tsp baking soda
>1 tsp baking powder
>zest of 1 lime
>Knead, adding sufficient flour until no longer sticky, then add and
>knead in thoroughly
>1 cup raw unsalted nuts (almond, pinon, hazelnuts preferred)
>2/3 cup chopped dried fruit (apricot, cherry, sweetened cranberry, etc.)
>Roll into 1 1/2 inch diameter logs and place on baking sheet with about
>1 inch between them. Flatten to 3/4 inch, place in oven near the top for
> 25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven, let sit a couple
>of minutes, then slice diagonally into 3/4 inch cookies. Place on baking
>sheet cut side up, return to oven for 7 minutes.
>Serve with espresso or cappuccino, or along with poached pears and
>brandy, Armagnac, cognac, port or sherry:
>Slice in half and core 2 firm but ripe pears. Heat to boiling 1/2 bottle
>of cheap but drinkable muscat wine (Sutter home, for example) with a few
>strands of saffron, and reduce to 1/2 its volume. Reduce heat to a
>simmer, and place pears cut side down in pan, cooking covered for 5
>minutes. Turn over and cook covered two minutes more. Remove pears and
>arrange on plates. Add honey to remaining liquid to taste, reduce to
>almost a syrup, then pour over pears. Top with pinon nuts, arrange a
>couple of biscotti on the plates.
>Sir Baldin Pramer, R.P.A.
Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!