The worst food you´ve ever eaten
Puester > wrote in
> Rhonda Anderson wrote:
>> Do you not have canned flavoured tuna in the US? Or is it just that
>> Heinz don't make it? There are numerous brands of it available here.
>> All in small individual sized cans. I usually have several in the
>> cupboard - they make an easy lunch for work accompanied by bread, or
>> crackers, or added to a salad.
>> Rhonda Anderson
>> Cranebrook, NSW, Australia
> All the canned tuna I have ever seen in
> the U.S. is...tuna flavored. What flavor
> is YOUR tuna! (This brings up really
> awful conjectures--chocolate tuna,
> peanut butter tuna, grape jelly tuna.
> You get the point!
> gloria p
No, I don't get the point. Your ludicrous conjectures don't remotely
reflect flavors that many might feel acceptable. Flavors like lemon,
herbs, onion, etc., would certainly not be offputting to many people.
That said, however, I would still prefer to buy my tuna without added
flavors and add my own.