What we had for dinner tonight
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Rona Y.
Posts: n/a
> I buy eel in sort of filets that have been cooked in teriyaki-like
> sauce, in cans. It looks like fish pieces. Nothing to be squeamish
> about at that point.
I like the frozen stuff. Or the vacuum-packed stuff. I've never had the
canned unagi, though. Do you have a particular brand to recommend? Of
course, being in Japan right now, I can get much better stuff than any of
those, but my mother would love a good source of unagi!
>I understand your hesitance (but I still eat it)
> about squid, etc., but urchin just tastes nasty. (IMO) I try urchin
> every so often just to make sure it still is horrible.
I don't like frozen sea urchin which is, as far as I know, the only kind of
sea urchin one can get at a sushi restaurant in North America. And very
fresh sea urchin can be gritty and taste like sea water. However, if one
can get relatively fresh, never-been-frozen, well-prepared uni sushi, it can
be divine! It actually reminds me of hotate sashimi--it has an amazing
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