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> I understand that Milnot is some mixture of dairy and soy
> (although I may be wrong about this -- would appreciate
> more info). Is it more like evaporated milk or sweetened
> condensed milk or something else? I have an old family
> recipe that calls for Milnot and need to know what else
> to use. But I would also like to know more about Milnot's
> ingredients. Thanks.

I had not heard of it so I went to <> and prowled around.
They don't make it easy for you to find out what their products are,
but eventually I found a list. Evaporated milk, no fat evap. milk, and
"dairy sweet," which is apparently sweetened condensed milk. I saw no
reference to soy anywhere I looked. Nor anything else to distinguish
their products, for that matter.

My guess is that your old family recipe is calling for evaporated milk.
That's their original product. -aem