Mar 20, 5:41 pm show options
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Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 19:41:55 -0600
Local: Sun, Mar 20 2005 5:41 pm
Subject: Milnot questions
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Yes, I should have said that I went to their website and didn't
find much. I found the reference to soy in a Yahoo Biz site I found
when I googled Milnot. Apparently they also own Beech-Nut,
among other foods.
The recipe was for frosting to go on a peach cake.
1 stick margarine
2/3 cup Milnot
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup chopped nuts
Cook all but nuts in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Add nuts.
"So evaporated milk rather than sweetened condensed milk
for the Milnot, do you think? "
Yes, I would think so, since the recipes on their site use it in gravy
and soups. You wouldn't want sweetend condensed in those.