Thread: heller!!!!!
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Rona Y.
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Default heller!!!!!

Roy wrote:
> Hely lady !
> Philippines was under the American rule for half a century and your
> educational system is similar to the Americans and their type of
> English is a second language to you.Then how come you cannot even
> speak english in your message?

The quality of English-education in the Philippines has fallen
greatly--especially in the last 20 or so years. In addition, it's really
only the privileged who can speak English very well, and there are (as a
percentage) comparatively few of them. Even the (perhaps now former) US
ambassador to the Philippines very recently lamented the decline of English
in the Philippines.


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"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We
had people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the
energy to go back. We call them Canadians." ---Grover Norquist in
Newsweek, November 22, 2004