About small kitchens, of which I am VERY familiar... yes, they are
great to work in. The problem is storage. I'm fortunate in that my
basement is pretty convenient but I'd love to have all my stuff on the
same floor and right at hand. Also, everything in the kitchen is
nested so well that I have to disassemble stuff too often in order to
get a bowl!
Most folks simply have way too much "stuff", including me. As a very
small example I have more than 20 assorted coffee mugs in my kitchen
cabinets (just counted), not including the cups from dish sets. No one
needs 20 coffee mugs, most of which haven't been used, as in never. My
kitchen is far from cluttered but still I admit I have way too much
"stuff" in my cupboards... I don't even want to talk about what's in my
basement. I moved not two years ago and got rid of more kitchen
"stuff" than most people will ever have, yet I still have way too much
"stuff". And I don't put anything into the very bottom space of my
kitchen counter cupboards, "stuff" gets lost forever down there.