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Blair P. Houghton
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Default And now, the report no one has been waiting for.

Greg Zywicki > wrote:
>Blair P. Houghton > wrote in message
>. ..
>> It's bigger than some premature babies.

>I like the white rose detail. But, then, I am a practicing Lutheran.

Yorkshire White Rose. Logo of the Samuel Smith's Brewery.

Not the most fetching graphic avatar in the world,
but historical as all get-out.

>I hope you have better luck with your fancy opener than I've had with
>fancy pens. I always lose them.

This one goes in the drawer hard by the fridge, where all
good openers belong.

>Also, pay special attention to how much lever you put into opening.
>Brass isn't as durable as steel.

Lever? Ha. I merely lay this massive beast on the caps
and they spring open begging forgiveness and distracting
me towards the comely barley sauce they were hoarding.

"Nice. I always wanted
an enforcer on staff."