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  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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sugacookie wrote:
> i don't have a bad attitude, i felt like i was being picked on.

You weren't being picked on and yes you've got a bad attitude. Go back
and read your first reply. I simply asked why use a rice cooker.

> if i
> want to use a rice cooker, can't someone just accept that and help me
> with my chosen form of cooking?

And if you're going to post to the world your method, why can't you just
accept someone might ask why?

> (and no, i don't think that's so
> specific that i'll never learn "anything." i become a better cook
> little by little, same as most other people...).

Well, if you're going to blow a gasket every time someone asks you
something, you might find it difficult to get the advice you require...



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