Stan Horwitz wrote:
> In article >,
> "Carol In WI" > wrote:
> > How do you make yours? Carol In WI
> I like to blend ground meat with Lipton's garlic onion soup mix and
> loosely form the meat into patties and pan fry or barbecue them. They
> go great with a slice of cheddar cheese, a thin slice of tomato, and
> ketchup.
The most I ever put in a ground beef patty is salt and pepper and a pat
of chilled butter. I don't cook hamburgers very long, so herbs and
onions and garlic and cheese are going to be raw when the burger is
done to my liking. I am up for many, many toppings, especially
caramelized onions (with garlic) and the cheese du jour, but they go on
top of the burger, not in it. -aem