On Sat, 05 Mar 2005 07:00:04 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>Alltrista Consumer Products Company has become Jarden Home Brands.
>(Hey, it's early and I've been up since 5:30. There should be a law
>against the energy level of a 3-year-old. She was sent back to bed at
>4:30 and at 5:30 I heard the pitter patter of little feetsies. "Where's
>Grandpa? I want to play with him. " Oy. Light a candle.)
Grandpa should consider himself lucky. I have not seen my grandkids
for 6 months. My daughter is in the Air Force and stationed in
Germany. I will not get to see them until June. I can't wait for my
grand daughter to do a swan dive off the stairs into PaPa's arms. I
always catch her but pay for it the next day with back pain. Of
course I would never tell anyone.......it's worth it.
And I have to mention my stereo comes on everyday at 11:30 AM. The
last time the kids were here my grandson did a text message routine to
my stereo. He was just hitting buttons and programmed it. I don't
know how to unprogram it, nor do I want to. It makes me think of my
little man everyday.
Off topic, sorry, but Gramps was in a blubbery mood.
Dave G