Thread: Hambugers
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Dimitri replied:

>> I make variations on Jamie Oliver's "Botham Burgers". Minced beef,
>> finely chopped red onions, mustard, ground coriander and egg, baked in
>> the oven.
>> K

> With all do respect to Mr. Oliver - that is a meat loaf not a hamburger.
> AKA he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

I thought the same thing when I read the post, but as I mentioned in a
previous post, you *can* make burgers out of uncooked meatloaf. If that meat
mixture had been grilled or pan-fried instead of being baked, would you
still say it isn't a burger? I'll concede that it wouldn't be a HAMBURGER,
but I think it would be a burger of sorts. Regardless of the
classification, the description sounds pretty good, and I'm going to try it
one of these days -- and that's what this newsgroup is all about, right?
