Thread: Easter Sunday
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"Monsur Fromage du Pollet" > wrote in message



> Isn't it cooked? Most hams just need warming up. That's what I thought.
> If it is cooked then just another 45 minutes in the trick

IMHO and experience the fact that it's already cooked becomes a problem.
Let me explain. An 18 to 20 pound ham is a big chunk of meat. In my
experience it takes gentle warming in a moist environment or you burn or dry
out the surface meat. The center is usually quite cold and the bone seems
to hold some of the cold inside.

Consequently and I am not recommending this to others - I will soak the ham
in apple juice in a large trash bag and put it into a cooler. I will stop
adding ice 24 to 36 hours before warming. A few hours before warming I
will let the ham sit on a rack in the kitchen to lose some of the pent up
