Thread: leg of pork
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Wayne Boatwright
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Default leg of pork

"Mia" > wrote in

> "samng" > wrote in message
>> looking for Jamie Oliver leg of pork recipe?
>> thanks

> Slow-Roasted Leg of Pork with Spicy Scratchings
> 1 leg or shoulder of pork
> 3 tablespoons fennel seeds
> 3 tablespoons coriander seeds
> Pinch dried chile pepper flakes
> Maldon sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
> Extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
> 1 bulb garlic, skin left on the cloves
> 1 handful fresh sage
> 1 handful fresh rosemary
> Ask your butcher to remove and reserve the skin and bone from the leg
> of pork. To make the scratchings, cut the skin into two pieces and
> score incisions through each piece. In a pestle and mortar, crush half
> the fennel seeds with half the coriander seeds, chile flakes, and a
> pinch of salt. Sprinkle the spice mix over the top and finish off with
> another good pinch of salt. Pour a little olive oil over the pork skin
> and bake in the oven, on a rack over a tray to catch the fat, in a
> preheated 425 degrees F (220 degrees C/gas 7) oven until very crispy.
> Make crisscross incisions all over the pork, on both sides. Crush the
> remaining fennel and coriander seeds with another good pinch of salt.
> Sprinkle over both sides of the pork, and finish off with a grinding
> of black pepper. Place the pork and garlic cloves in a roasting tray.
> Cover with a few good lugs of extra-virgin olive oil. Place the sage
> and rosemary in a pestle and mortar and gently crush together until
> they are lightly bruised and have released their flavours. Add 4
> tablespoons of olive oil. Squeeze the flavoured oil over the pork and
> rub the herbs all over it. Cook in the oven in a preheated 400 degrees
> F (200 degrees C/gas 6) oven for about 4 to 4 1/2 hours. Any leftovers
> are great to use in sandwiches the next day.
> Yield: 10 servings
> Prep Time: 5 minutes
> Cook Time: 5 hours
> Difficulty: Medium

Please excuse the dumb question, but 400 degrees F for 4 to 4 1/2 hours
seems awfully hot. Is that correct? BTW, the sasonings sound really
