David Wright wrote:
> On 21 Mar 2005 04:52:06 -0800, "krusty kritter" >
> wrote:
>>BillB wrote:
>>> I think that he who has been KF'ed isn't aware of the huge number
>>>of Mexicans living in NYC. Virtually all supermarkets here have
>>>large sections dedicated to Mexican foods. Which reminds me,
>>>earlier today I bought a package of CHARRAS Tostada Chipotle. I
>>>don't know how accurate their slogan is ("El Real Sabor Mexicano")
>>>but it *was* imported from Mexico and I prefer it to other brands
>>>I've previously tried.
>>What are "charras"? I tried to look it up in my Spanish dictionary and
>>I found "charrada", which means, "a coarse thing, in bad taste, bad
> Sounds to me like the feminine of "charro," so I envision an elegant,
> slender, Dona on horseback, dressed in black, wearing a flat-brimmed
> hat and confidently holding her horse in check while looking defiantly
> into the eye of the viewer.
> Whew!
> I must excuse myself now. ;-)
> David
"Charra" is a peasant woman also "broad brimmed hat" and that last is
probably the point, tostadas resemble the brim of a hat.