And now, the report no one has been waiting for.
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Melba's Jammin'
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And now, the report no one has been waiting for.
In article >,
(Greg Zywicki) wrote:
> I like the white rose detail. But, then, I am a practicing Lutheran.
<spewing coffee on my computer screen!!>
> > >3.)Minitorch - the surprise hit of the year. Mom-in-law bought me a
> > >creme brule set. I love the torch. It was great for carmelizing the
> > >sugar on the brule, for melting the red licorice "eruption" on
> > >5-year-old's volcano cake (just enough melting to make the sliced
> > >licorice droop a bit) and for lighting the birthday cake candles
> >
> > And you can use it to reattach the handles on your pasta
> > pots, or cut your forks in half in case you have too many
> > people down east for lobster...
> Plastic forks, or metal utensils? If metal, I'd love to see that.
> I'd have a hard time believing butane could do that. Or is yours
> acetylene? I had a friend who had a little tiny oxy-acetylene torch
> he carried around. No idea why.
Hey, I've heard of women who carry a small can of WD-40 in their purses.
> Greg Zywicki
12-28-03: Tourtiere picture added to my site: <>
Also a picture of my Baba Authorized struhadlo for making halushky
"If you're ever in a jam, here I am."
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