Any meatlovers here become vegetarian for 2004?
> If you want to be truly obnoxious to vegetarians (something, I for one,
> applaud, as long as it is done delicately)... try explaining to them why
> sugar isn't vegetarian (they put bone ash in it as an anti-coagulant).
> Most of the idiotic vegetarians will go "eek!"... it's quite fun.
> And the more serious ones will say, "yeah, so what?" and you'll know that
> they're actually a competent vegetarian (and thus worthy of a good deal
> more respect than the suneaters).
> Lena
I don't eat red meat because I just don't like it.
Just like someone might not like olives or broccoli.
I haven't eaten it in many years.
I don't like pork either, I do eat fish and chicken though.
But I don't call myself vegetarian. So, am I considered
obnoxious like a person who is a vegetarian. Or are you just referring
to those who are preachy about not eating red meat?
Just wondering.