Thread: A Beer Dinner
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Default A Beer Dinner

"Tom" > wrote in message >...
> second course-
> meatloaf (onion, garlic, dijon mustard, rosemary, oregano, egg, bread, dried
> red chilis, salt, pepper) w/ beef broth based mushroom sauce, mashed p's and
> green beans. the star of the show was the sierra nevada bread. i did a
> basic white bread recipe substituting the water for sierra nevada. it was
> light and had a nice malty characteristic. i paired this course with sierra
> nevada if you didnt already guess. the green beans were an after thought to
> get some color on the plate. i didnt care for them much but the rest was
> great.


The concept of a beer dinner is very interesting - I'll have to try
it. One of my favorite summertime (okay, any time) meals is a grilled
burger and a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. The two are lifelong partners in
my book. Speaking of burgers, I have to throw in a plug for Wickles,
distributed by a family-run company called Sims Foods (
They're delicious. Last year I ordered a case, but they accidentally
sent me a case of relish rather than pickles. Rather than have me go
to the trouble of returning them, they simply sent me a case of the
pickles free of charge. But I digress...

I'd like to try the bread you described above. Did you warm the beer
to an appropriate temperature and use active dry yeast? What kind of
yeast:beer ratio did you use?