Thread: Ghee
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Default Ghee

Is this the correct method? (obtained from "Food 911") Why the
specification for unsalted butter? Will it harden upon refrigeration?

1 pound unsalted butter

Put the butter in a heavy saucepan over moderate heat, swirl the pot
around to ensure that it melts slowly and does not sizzle or brown.
Increase the heat and bring the butter to a boil. When the surface is
covered with foam, stir gently and reduce the heat to the lowest
possible setting. Gently simmer, uncovered, and undisturbed for 45
minutes, until the milk solids in the bottom of the pan have turned
golden brown and the butter on top is transparent. Strain the ghee
through a sieve lined with several layers of cheesecloth. The ghee
should be perfectly clear and smell nutty; pour into a glass jar and
seal tightly

Yield: 1.5 cups

many thanks,