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Dr. Gee
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In article >, Derek > wrote:
>Personally, I've never quite enjoyed the taste of tea and milk. The
>only exception being the chai lattes that Starbucks and Caribou sell
>for those of us who can't tolerate coffee.
>But one could argue that those aren't really "tea" anyway. But they're
>darned tasty.

my favorite tea is "green" oolong. i have it without milk. also i don't add
milk to green tea. i also don't add milk to pu-erh.

but i just don't like black tea without milk. black tea all tastes
pretty _bland_ to me without milk. & they all pretty much taste kind of alike.
even the supposedly good black tea still tastes bland, not bad, not offensive,
just uninteresting.

the only one i've had that tastes good by itself & doe not need milk to
enhance or smooth out the edges was in a tea tasting. i was told it was
called "fire phoenix" (limited edition from a wild tea plant from Taiwan). it


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