Thread: Hambugers
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Gal Called J.J. wrote:
> "Dimitri" > quoted:
>>1. Said to have made its first appearance at the St. Louis Louisiana
>>Purchase Exposition in 1904, the hamburger is one of America's favorite

> <snip>
> That's no exaggeration. :-) But this thread got me to thinking
> about mixing ground beef, whether for burgers, meatloaf, whatever.
> The standard wisdom is not to overwork the ground beef, because
> your hands can melt the fat and make it tough. But if you don't
> mix it enough, the seasonings won't get dispersed. So how do guys
> mix your beef? Would it be efficient to use a spoon? TIA...

This is probably not going to be helpful, but the way to do it is to mix
in the seasonings before you grind it.

Best regards,