URGENT!! Boiling eggs.
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ms. tonya
Posts: n/a
Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2005
(notbob) WROTE:
There was a post about this some months ago. Someone said Julia Child
recommended bringing eggs to a full rolling boil and then taking them
off the burner and let sit in the water/pan for 20 mins. This would
provide perfectly hardboiled eggs with no green film on the outside of
the yolk. I've never tried it with large eggs, but can guarantee you it
doesn't work with extra large eggs. Now didn't that help?
RESPONSE: I've used this method of cooking hard boiled eggs for decades
even with extra large eggs with no problems.- not one green yolk-
Cafeteria I worked in the 70's used this method boiling jumbo size eggs
also one case at a time, no problems no green yolks.
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