Dee Randall wrote:
> "Sheldon" > wrote in message
> >
> > Petey the Wonder Dog wrote:
> >> Can someone recommend a Tortilla Maker for 12' tortillas?
> >
> > Go he
> >
> > Sheldon
> Lordy, Sheldon, you gave me my belly-laugh for the day.
> You said in another email
> "haven't seen anything
> like it up here in hillybillyburg."
> You must be part hillbilly, too, with your since of humor about
> Where is your hillybillburg, I forget.
Upstate Noo Yawk's Capitol District.... wouldja believe, the largest
stoopidmarket chain roundabouts, Price Chopper, doesn't sell barley...
store manager didn't even know what's barley.... hey, they got lottsa
folks up here wandering about free as all git out who are far more
brain dead than Terry Schiavo... if not for their feeding tube hooked
to a keg of Miller Lite...