Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> "Gregory Morrow"
>>Siobhan Perricone wrote:
>>>On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 20:40:38 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>>>>. . . couscous. Hadja going for a second, didn't I?
>>>>One of my buys at Trader Joe's was a box of whole wheat couscous.
>>>>Mmmmm, fiber! In the past I've remarked that it reminds me of birdcage
>>>>grit. Grit no more! I've had it two nights in a row (mmmmm, fiber!)
>>>>and have prepared it by rehydrating it in some homemade turkey broth.
>>>>It actually has some taste now. I'm thinking that my previous dislike
>>>>was because I'd only ever soaked it in plain water.
>>>>So there.
>>>Oooo I love cousous with olive oil, spices, and toasted pine nuts
>>>cooked in a tasty broth. 
>>Now maybe we can seduce Barb into liking beets...
> In your dreams, Bucko. There's a better chance that I'll win the
> PowerBall lottery.
Have you bought a ticket?