On 25 Mar 2005 09:34:42 -0800, "Sheldon" > wrote:
>Kate Connally wrote:
>> I saw this on our PBS station a couple
>> of weeks ago.
>> This lady made crepes and then filled them with
>> a shredded cheese (maybe Romano) and some other
>> stuff (maybe some chopped meat like ham or something)
>> and rolled up each crepe into a very tight tube so
>> that they were about 6-8 inches long and about 1
>> inch or less in diameter. Then she put about 6
>> of these rolls into a large soup bowl and ladled
>> some hot chicken (?) broth over them. I thought
>> this was a pretty strange dish. I'm really dying
>> to know what it's called.
>Hmm, Stuffed Crepe Zuppa
>Cannelloni are sometimes made with crepes... served in broth this is
>likely some regional Italian dish. Balducci's (now defunct) used to
>sell a very similar dish mail order ("Veal Cannelloni"),crepes stuffed
>with veal and cheese, in a veal stock... arrived frozen in two separate
>containers... was part of a gift basket that I remember well, was
>awful. It's no wonder Balducci's didn't survive the dot.com wars,
>their products had great presentation but tasted terrible and were
>outrageously priced.
When the Balduccis were still alive and ran the place, it was
wonderful. I lived 3 blocks from there and Balducci's and the
Jefferson Market were my main markets. The older generation either
died or were out of the day to day operations as the years went by and
by the late 80s the place sucked. They sold to an investment company
of some sort, IIRC, in the 90s, and it was all over but the name.
The 1970s were their golden years. My springtime was measured by their
shad roe, my summer by their wonderful array of fresh produce & herbs
(those fresh herbs were not always easy to find in those days), my
fall by the wonderful bakery items and my winter by all the holiday
goodies they stocked.
By 1980, or maybe a bit earlier, I was getting most of my delights
from the Union Square Greenmarket. Much cheaper than Balducci's. More
fun, too.