"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> . . . couscous. Hadja going for a second, didn't I?
> One of my buys at Trader Joe's was a box of whole wheat couscous.
> Mmmmm, fiber! In the past I've remarked that it reminds me of birdcage
> grit. Grit no more! I've had it two nights in a row (mmmmm, fiber!)
> and have prepared it by rehydrating it in some homemade turkey broth.
> It actually has some taste now. I'm thinking that my previous dislike
> was because I'd only ever soaked it in plain water.
> So there.
> --
> -Barb, <www.jamlady.eboard.com> Arizona vacation pics added 3-24-05.
> "I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and >
say,'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner,
> performance at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.
I don't know about Trader Joe's (seems like you're hooked on them since they
are in your area now, eh?) But couscous comes in different "flavors". I
like the garlic couscous, myself. I'm thinking of preparing couscous as a
side for some stewed lamb shanks on Sunday, along with steamed broccoli.
Couscous ain't a bad thing! It's either couscous or barley pilaf... hmmm,
barley goes with lamb, but then when I make Scotch Broth with the shank
bones that will require barley so maybe I'd be barley'd out. (Musing aloud,
here.) Yeah, I'll go with the couscous on Sunday!