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Sheldon wrote:
> Puester wrote:
>>and one of our apricot trees is in full bloom. I took my grandson
>>out int he yard to see it yesterday and it was glorious, every branch
>>lined thickly with blossoms, and bees all over the place.
>>So it's snowing and the temperature is dropping rapidly. That's a
>>good sign that there won't be any fruit on the trees this year,

> either
>>so I'll have to buy fruit for jam. Dang. I don't think we've had a
>>crop since 1998.

> Sounds like your trees are blossoming too soon, you can control that
> with mulching. If your fruit hasn't set for 7 years in a row then
> there may be something else going on, perhaps the tree needs a cross
> pollinator.
> Sheldon

Thanks, but apricots are very iffy in this climate.
They usually bloom in mid April and we often get frosts
until late May, so either the blossoms or the tiny fruit
freeze. The few years when the weather cooperates, we get
a huge crop from the two trees.

Winter has been so mild till now that we all have had
daffodils in bloom for 3-4 weeks, the irises and day lilies
are up 6 inches or more, and all the deciduous trees have
huge buds ready to open. All those California spring
rainstorms are coming across the Continental Divide as snow.

gloria p