On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 19:31:38 -0500, rpl
> wrote:
>Gene wrote:
>> On 25 Mar 2005 14:27:39 -0800, wrote:
>>>Gene wrote:
>>>>why would homeless scum hang around theaters unless they're trying
>>>>to beg money for more booze and illegal drugs.
>>>Oh use some commonsense for a change! 1) How do you know they are
>>>homeless people, even so do you know the reasons for their
>>>homelessness? 2)i find it amusing that you which you stereotype all
>>>homeless people as lazy shiftless drug taking and alcohol drinkins
>>>bums. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Says alot about you and
>>>your lack of independent thinking skills.
>> If they were trying to get work, then their supposed to be looking
>> for work and not begging..
>Probably engaged in such fripperies as trying to get some food or
>lodging... how much did you give ?
Well in truth, I have never had a "Panhandler" approach me at a
theater. Usually they stand on the exit ramps of highways around here.
On rare occasions, I have had them approach and I just ignore
them..However, there's shelters in the area which I DO contribute. I
like to do as the Rockerfellers did, they would give to Organized
charities, not just hand out $20 to all those who asked.
It's called "bunching your hits" and I see it's WAY better then
trusting an individual on the street with cash.