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Ed Grabau and Pam Jacoby wrote:
> "Puester" wrote ...
>>gloria p
>>from the Colorado Front Range Arctic

> Whereabouts in Colorado are you? Ed and I just bought a house in Woodland
> Park, and we need this kind of information re plant life. We love to dig
> holes and plant flowers. If, however, we're going to lose perennials on a
> regular basis, it's hardly worth the effort.
> Thanks,
> Pam

Isn't that outside of Colo. Springs? We're S.E. Denver suburbs.

Colorado State U. (Ft. Collins) willl be your friend when it
comes to advice on gardening. They have an active Master Gardener
program and lots and lots of materials to offer. Also the Denver
Botanic Garden can provide a lot of information and ideas.

If you want to get an idea of hardy perennials, spend a day in
Breckenridge and Vail this summer and see what they have planted
there. Both towns are all flowers, all summer. I'm not familiar
with garden centers in the Springs area, but Tagawa Gardens on Parker
Rd. just north of Parker is hard to beat.

Be aware that water shortages should influence youir planting as
much as the altitude and cold winters/late springs.

gloria p