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In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:

> I keep trying to find new "veggies" my small parrot might like. I just
> bought a container of alfafa sprouts and she doesn't seem thrilled with
> them. So, any ideas what I can do with the remainder? Maybe add to a stir
> fry with water chestnuts, bamboo shoots and broccoli?
> NOTE: I don't like cold food, i.e. salads, cold pita-bread sandwiches, etc.
> Might just throw them out for the wild birds. They might be more
> appreciative than Peaches is.
> Jill

I like them on crackers with slices of tomatoe and some mayo...

AFAIK, Alfalfa sprouts are not eaten warm?

My cocaktoo has a passion for fresh corn on the cobs, and halves of
oranges, grapefruit, apples, tangerines, mango, bell peppers, anaheim
peppers, chili petines, kiwi fruit.......

I've offered her various sprouts, she never seemed very interested. For
greens, she likes carrot tops, fresh celery leafy tops, red leaf
lettuce, and I plan to offer her some fresh swiss chard from the garden.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

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