In article <eO61e.26337$oa6.25580@trnddc07>,
"Chris Neidecker" > wrote:
> > wrote in message
> > I'm looking for a few new ideas for using walnuts. I've roasted them,
> > used them in stuffings, in pestos, and also topped salads with them.
> > I've even made cookies with them.
> >
> > Preferably a side dish, or a dessert. Single guy. Cute girl. She likes
> > walnuts. It really is an emergency.<g>
> >
> Hey Dean....if the above ideas worked last night, and now you're looking for
> something for breakfast....try sprinkling some chopped walnuts over Raisin
> Bran...doesn't sound like much, but it really transforms a bowl of cereal.
> If it wasn't way past my bedtime, I'd go get my mom's recipe for
> cinnamon-spiced beat an egg white, dump in some walnut
> halves, toss to coat, then dump on some cinnamon sugar (and salt?), spread
> out on a cookie sheet, and bake at 250 for about an hour, turning nuts over
> halfway through. You could try googling for this. Easy and wonderful!
I do pecans this way sometimes for a sweet treat.
Might work for Walnuts? (I hate walnuts! Too bitter. My cockatoo gets
them all!)
Take (walnut) pieces or preferably halves, place in a microwave safe
Sprinkle liberally with brown sugar, top with butter and a bit of maple
Nuke on high until the butter and sugar melts, then stir with a fork.
Level them out flat on a plate and let cool.
Pecans are better imho, but that's just me. ;-)
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra