goat meat
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In article . com>,
> Katra wrote:
> > What do you think of Wendy's?
> > I boycott them since they still buy Icelandic cod.
> > The Icelanders still kill whales and dolphins...
> Iceland have done some research whaling of minkie whale, a specie that
> even Greenpeace admits are in no danger, it is one of the healthiest
> whale populations in the world. Iceland has never caught dolphins and
> Icelanders would never catch a whale of a specie that is endangers.
> (Iceland even made whaling in itīs waters illegal between 1915 and the
> late 1960īs because of the whaling there (mostly by British whalers,
> was being to much for the whale stocks)
> The US kill dolphins by the thousands and they kill more whales than
> Iceland does, so do Japan, Russia and Norway. Do you boycott the
> products of these countries, hypocrite?
Icelandic fishing fleets do not use "dolphin safe" nets.
US fishing fleets do.
Eating Minke whales is tantamount to cannabalism as
Whales are a sentient species.
This makes you both a hypocrite and a cannibal.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson
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