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Bob (this one)
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> Bob (this one) wrote:
>>My sister decided that *we* needed to design and cater the event rather
>>than to pay someone to do it. <snip for brevity>

> Ooops. I misread the heading and thought the occasion was a wedding.
> No matter. The soon-to-be bride is very lucky to have the relatives
> she does. Be careful, be very, very may be asked to
> manage/cater the wedding reception. :-)

<LOL> I heard the suggestion way across the room. Quickly suggested some
wonderful banquet spaces nearby that would do a smash-up job. I think
they bought it.

<whew> Kidding...

They'd actually already booked a very upscale place with a dinner menu
that sounds grand for the wedding reception. My granddaughter has been
in a culinary/management program for a year and has a decently developed
eye for food.

The shower was my sister's idea because she really likes the kid.
Originally, it was a group effort between a few cousins and some
friends. But a series of things happened that made most of them drop
out. So my swell sister decided that the show(er) must go on. And on it
