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Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> Keerist, my wedding invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.

You mean... it didn't arrive...? Damn post office commies. I bet they
did it on purpose because you ****ed them all off. Didn't give them any
jams 'er nothin'... right?

No, seriously...

> This spread was for the SHOWER? Honey, where I come from this would
> be chicken salad, rolls, nuts, mints, and dessert. Mymymy.

We thought about that and decided it was too, I dunno, midwestern.
Northern midwestern, actually. There are no blonds in our family. Well,
actually three, but they're chemically induced. And one redhead whose
hair is red. No, red. Actual red. Like a fire engine. Would somebody
like that eat chicken salad, I ask...?

> (Is C going to be in the wedding?)

Yep. Fancy, ugly dress like all weddings have, big heels and new
foundation garments designed to give her that 50's torpedo look. I'm not
supposed to notice. Or maybe I'm just not supposed to comment. Too late.
Kid's 13 and taller than the bride.

My granddaughter said that if I wanted to wear a tux, I'd better get on
it. I mumbled a reply. That dinner ensemble in my closet is staying
right there. I'll probably buy new jeans with a nice, sharp crease down
the front. I'm old and cranky and people don't mess with us old, cranky
people. The pictures will be memorable. Maybe I'll wear that denim
necktie my wife bought me a few years ago. Crisp up the outfit, doncha
know. Shirt with "Louie" embroidered on it. Give 'em something to talk
about for years.

