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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, "Bob (this one)"
> > wrote:
>>I'll probably buy new jeans with a nice, sharp crease down
>>the front. I'm old and cranky and people don't mess with us old, cranky
>>people. The pictures will be memorable. Maybe I'll wear that denim
>>necktie my wife bought me a few years ago. Crisp up the outfit, doncha
>>know. Shirt with "Louie" embroidered on it. Give 'em something to talk
>>about for years.

> Don't you DARE, Bob Pastorio, don't you DARE! Don't even joke about it.
> Bite the bullet and dress up. Shame on you!

Have you (or anyone) noted the new sad trend for
Senior Proms? The girls are all dressed to the
nines and the guys looked like they barely
bothered? Don't they know how handsome they look
in a tux? And how impressed girls will be for the
small consideration? I think if I'd put that much
effort (and cost) in to dressing up for an event
and my date didn't, I'd be miffed!