Jerry Avins thusly makes a fool of hisself:
> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > LindaBeynon SPAMMED:
> >
> >
> >>This delightful little book is in VGC
> >>One of the most interesting things about this book is that it features
> >>curry recipes from some of the less usual countries such as Iraq, Iran
> >>, Indonesia Turkey Burma etc. Also gives names & addresses of
> >>contributors from across the world.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I've reported your repeated SPAMMING of various groups to both Google
> > Ebay - expect to lose both accounts VERY soon...
> Google apparently doesn't care what you post. They say that they don't
> regulate content. What else is there?
You need to read their Terms of Use to disabuse yourself of your
> As for your objection, Why is an offer to sell a cookbook out of place
It's SPAM you cretin.