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  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Bob (this one) wrote:
> My granddaughter said that if I wanted to wear a tux, I'd better get on
> it. I mumbled a reply. That dinner ensemble in my closet is staying
> right there. I'll probably buy new jeans with a nice, sharp crease down
> the front. I'm old and cranky and people don't mess with us old, cranky
> people. The pictures will be memorable. Maybe I'll wear that denim
> necktie my wife bought me a few years ago. Crisp up the outfit, doncha
> know. Shirt with "Louie" embroidered on it. Give 'em something to talk
> about for years.
> <LOL>
> Pastorio

Well, OK...if you want the groom's relatives to think
he's marrying into THAT kind of family.... :-(

gloria p